25 August

Today at Bedlam Farm: Who I am.

by Jon Katz

   August 25, 2008 –  Look at that photo. Wow. I am just full of myself.
  This photo is an important statement about who I am, and who I want to be, and I am proud of it, and I thank those of you who have gone to the trouble of encouraging me in what I do. Today, I picked up one of the first place winners in the Washington County Fair Photography Contest, which is actually one of my favorite photographs – Izzy and Glen, taken during dark and meaningful time – and I brought it home. I also received the author’s copy of my new book, “Izzy & Lenore: Two Dogs, An Unexpected Journey, And Me” which came by Fedex. And my ribbon, the first I have ever won.
  Lenore, as you can see, is on the cover, and it is my photo, my first cover.
  Getting your own book is always a nice moment, and I love being a writer, and respect the process. I work hard on every book, meet my deadlines, strive for each to be better than the one before it. Winning a ribbon is good, too. And touching your own book, holding it and looking at it in wonder, considering how this could possibly have come to be.
  When the book came, I sat with it on the porch and pondered how good life can be, how lucky to be doing what I love, and how absolutely determined – you may not be surprised to hear this ): – I am to keep doing it.
  It is hard to write a book, and rewarding. The book will go on sale September 23, 2008 and I will hit the road, hawking and explaining it. Some writers hate the stump.
  But I love book tours,  love to talk about myself and my own work, for a few weeks anyway. So today was a good day at Bedlam Farm, and I’m grateful for it, and for the wonderful people who are filling up my life.

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