14 August

Today at Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

  August 14, 2008 – I got up early, couldn’t sleep. Fed the cats, chased the chickens away from them. Tossed some corn to the goats, some feed to Winston and the hens, gave the donkeys cookies, walked the dogs, rode them on the four wheeler, talked to Annie, made some calls, paid some bills, cleaned some lens, washed some dishes, did a laundry, scraped muck off my shoes, posted some photos.
  This morning, I am heading for work, and celebrating the small victories of life, mine and others.
  I especially celebrate the brave souls who are struggling to live their lives, find and live their own dreams, overcome their fears, find the encoragement and help they need to move forward, send their signals and be fulfilled. Good luck to you. And from Rose, who gets it done, Lenore, who makes you smile, and Izzy, the soul dog.

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