It seems odd to say, but Lenore looks to Rose, I think, and admires her. She is definitely softening my working dog up. Rose has never permitted any dog or person to sit near her while she works.
June 29, 2008 – When she isn’t hanging out with Brutus, Lenore is charming every other animal or person she can find. Lately, and despite her treacherous love of a ram, she and Rose seem to be bonding, finally. Rose was never hostile to Lenore, but she never paid her much attention either – Rose does not seem to need friends, human or animal, apart, sometimes, from me.
In the last few weeks, something has changed. Rose sits still while Lenore lies next to her, hangs out with her, licks her sometimes. Before Rose would take off or growl her away, especially when she is working. Now, Rose actually seems to enjoy it. Rose never takes her eyes off the sheep, as above, and Lenore hardly ever looks at them, except when Brutus is around.
So, much as I might want to joke about it, I see that Lenore is a powerful creature in her own right, in hospice work, on the farm. Her love is a force, at work. It changes things, infuses the place, lights up my life. Few creatures I’ve seen – even the prickly, businesslike Rose, who does not have friends, can resist it for long.
Lucky to have such a dog.