June 17, 2008 – Of all the pictures I take, my favorite ones are the scapes of this farm on Kinney Road in Argyle, N.Y. All during the cold and difficult winter, I came to this farmhouse on this road with Izzy almost every single night, and stood outside, usually in bitter cold and wind and got shots of this farm silhouetted by a setting sun. Standing on that road, dropping lenses, blowing on my fingertips, talking to Izzy, experimenting with light and shadow, was my coming out as a photographer, and I can hardly drive on this road at night without almost crying. My fingers ached, I dropped and broke lenses, I was nearly run down by trucks and speeding cars that couldn’t see me. I loved every second.
I know the signs, the wires, the spot the sun dips behind the house and/or the barn.
This place, more than any other photo site, became a metaphor for my move into photography, an expression of something inside me that came pouring out, and could not stop. I love these nightscapes because they often capture the entire feel of the farm, the barn on one side of the road, the house on the other, trucks and cars all over the place.
The farm family never saw me out there in the dark, or so I thought, but one day recently, in the daylight, they came out to ask me who I was and what I was doing. They did notice me taking pictures, they said, and if it hadn’t been so cold and dark, would have come out to see what I was up to.
People, I notice, are suspicious of my Canon Mark III, not a common camera. They wondered if I was from the state, or a realtor perhaps, putting the farm up on some website.
Once they understood I just liked to take photos, they were agreeable and gracious and they loved the one I dropped off for them, although they could not imagine what was so special about their farm that I would want to photograph it. It is special. It will always be my favorite place to take photos, car blinkers on, sun falling, me standing in the road. I love Kinney Road, and am grateful for every minute I have stood there trying to outmaneuver the sun, an once in a great while, succeeding.
Farmscape: Kinney Road
by Jon Katz