Who wishes you a restful and spiritual Sunday, and hopes that you will live your life.
Lenore’s eyes are filled with love, and her belly filled with food. She ate a prodigious
amount of sheep and donkey waste today, as she accompanied Rose and I on our grazing foray, and I told her lips that touch that will not touch me, but of course, a few minutes later she was in my lap, flirting and getting her belly rubbed. I am crazy about the Love Dog. She is the Light. My new favorite sheepherding music in the Ipod is the EmmyLou Harris and Mark Knopfler CD, and many thanks to whoever recommended it to me in an e-mail.
I was obsessed with Harris’s version of “Love Hurts,” first done by the Everly Brothers some years ago, on a different CD. I have been singing it to Lenore all day, but she refuses to be cynical.
Good morning from the Hound of Love
by Jon Katz