10 May

Notebook: Sheep herding themselves, seizure, busted lens

by Jon Katz

May 10, 2008 – Sometimes the sheep, who are so used to Rosie pushing them around, herd themselves, as when I showed up in the pasture this morning and they all got themselves bunched up and headed for the gate…Rose has them trained.

  Had a strange occurrence this morning, as I was feeling exhausted, and a bit disoriented, and I remembered getting a couple of e-mails – one from my friend Kim, a musician and healer – suggesting that I might watch my blood sugar. I had complained earlier this week of being tired and irritable.
   Maria saw me this morning and seemed alarmed, asking me repeatedly what was wrong, and I didn’t know, but I didn’t feel right at all, so I took some Glucose tablets and felt better immediately. First time that has happened, and the blog worked for me there, as people noticed it in my messages, which is really strange. Thanks Kim, and Susie. I owe you. How completely strange that people reading my blog could know me that well, and sense something was wrong before I did.
  Anyway, it was a diabetic episode, and a wake up call, and I am okay now.

 Busted my favorite lens yesterday, the 180 mm which toppled over, along with me and the tripod and landed lens first. Rats. I love that lens and took many beautiful shots with it. I might bury it in the backyard.
  I took the dogs four-wheeling and walked in the woods, moved firewood, dropped my plans to go out taking pictures, will go ahead and see Warren this afternoon and crank up the Hospice Journal about bereavement. My assignment this weekend is to think about what I want and need in life. One thing I need is a new lens.

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