10 May

Hospice Journal at Gardenworks, June 8

by Jon Katz

 May 10, 2008 – “Hospice Journal: Stories and Pictures from the Edge of Life”, will be presented at 2 p.m. June 8 at Gardenworks, Rte 30, Salem, N.Y., (518 854 -3250). I will be talking about my experiences as a Hospice volunteer, especially my work with the dogs, Hospice Dogs Izzy and Lenore will be on hand to spread the love, Hospice officials will talk about what Hospice is and how it works, and the photos from the Hospice Journal of Warren and Helen and others, will be shown publicly for the first time, thanks to All The Right Angles of Saratoga Springs (518 587-4320).  This has been one of the seminal experiences of my recent life, and I am eager to talk about it. This work has changed my relationship with dogs, and my ideas about photography.
  Some will be sold, proceeds to Hospice. We will also read from some of the living poems begun by Helen and Warren, and Warren ways he would like to be present also.
  In addition, Gardenworks will be offered its splendid assortment of flowers, cheeses, fresh produce, and fresh muffins, pies and donuts baked onsite. Come if you can.


Also, My Place On Earth, by Mary Kellogg, the first book ever offered by Bedlam Farm Books in conjunction with the Troy Bookmakers (thetroybookmakers.com) will be on sale within the next week or so available at bookstores and at thetroybookmakers.com site. The book will not be sold on this site. This the first volume of poetry by the ancient, and very talented poet Mary Kellogg of Hebron, N.Y., a brilliant poet and great friend. She’s not really ancient, just old. And her poems are beautiful. She will probably be on hand June 8 as well.

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