April 24, 2008 – I’ve been reading the Bible from time to time, for all sorts of reasons, one being it is the world’s best-selling book and also because it is important in my spiritual work. I have to tell you the truth, I think the Bible is one of the most exploited and over-quoted works in human history, but just because it is so popular, and often misused, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth reading. So far, I’ve enjoyed it but struggled with the language and imagery – as a writer, I am not comfortable with the idea of study guides for books. I’ve got to slug it out for myself.
Last night, I did come across a passage that struck me, and stayed with me, and that I want to remember. It was from the letter Paul wrote the Philippians from his jail cell in Rome (Phillipians 4:4):
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
I liked that passage, and was inspired by it. What a great ambition for each day – whatever is noble, whatever is true, whatever is right – think about such things, and put them into practice. I understand that few of us – surely not me – can think so nobly and purely every day, and put these ideas into practice all of the time. As humans, we are fated to struggle, stumble and fall. Isn’t that the real idea of sin?
But I love the idea of thinking about these things, as that has to make them more likely to happen. And I would be grateful, even overjoyed, if the God of peace was with me. What more could a person want than to live such a worthy life?