April 15, 2008 – Sunrise found the farm’s strange and restless owner out in the deep and sometimes enchanted woods with two border collies and a Lab, crawling through thickening brush and thorns and mud to find dark and damp spots where the sun was peeping through, exploring the new and often tired photographic cliches of Spring, searching for something new to obsess on, and finding some strange and lonely buds, and also moss, which is interesting but very tough to photograph.
I found some pretty moss, but am not sure yet how to photograph it.
The dogs had their own work out in the woods, watching the strange man crawl and slip around, and check out the many strange smells and sights of the deep forest.
We were looking for things to photograph, exploring the notion of beauty in common things, fiddling with new settings on the camera, and continuing to test out the theory that
God is everywhere. I was dropping lenses, falling down, slipping in mud, and getting caught on burrs and thorns. “I am sacrificing myself for my art,” I told Lenore, who found something dead and rotting and tried to eat it. She stays close by my side out there, while the collies look for honest work, of which there is little in the woods.
I was having fun, enjoying life, and to tell you the truth, there was no place I would rather be. I am a flawed but honest seeker of some truth, I kept repeating out in the cold and wet and quiet woods. Reveal yourself. Send me a message.
Rose was watching me very carefully.
Good morning from Bedlam Farm, from the woods
by Jon Katz