February 29, 2008 – Bitter cold, big storm coming tonight, roaring through tomorrow. My spanking new Canon self-cleaning camera is in the shop, getting cleaned to get rid of that black dot some of you have been noticing. Al, the highly competent photo whiz at Cameraworks in Latham says that self-cleaning camers are not absolutely self-cleaning. It’s a great camera, though, he assured me, and predicted we would be seeing one another from time to time. Took this picture on the way, and despite occasional cleaning, I am happy to have this machine.
Such is modern life. Tech support isn’t support and customer service isn’t service. You can get angry or you can move on and accept reality. I am not into anger these days.
I’ve got wood on the porch, and I just can’t imagine where the 12 inches will go, since I can barely open any of the doors now. Izzy and I will be doing some Hospice work over the weekend, I hope and a lot of reading and, perhaps blogging. And I have my other camera, loaded and ready to go. Photos to come.
I am lucky to know Al.
Seven sisters of Bunker Hill – storm coming, new camera in shop
by Jon Katz