December 13, 2007 – So here’s some exciting news for the remainder of this year and into next. In conjunction with the Troy Bookmakers of Troy, N.Y., I’m starting my own imprint – Bedlam Farm Books. Maria Heinrich will be the editor of this idiosyncratic little enterprise, and I haven’t given myself a title yet. Grand Windbag, maybe.
We have some books in mind. I’m planning to put together a collection of my blog essays and photos, and making them into a book – “Out of the Shadows” is the tentative title. Raeanne Wright of Trampoline Design in Glens Falls is already working on a logo, and a web design. This is an all upstate-New York enterprise. We plan to show the slickers how it’s done. Maria is an artist and, lately, a writer and blogger, and has a strong sense of content and design. We have decided to publish works that we both like, period.
Mary Kellogg will publish a collection of her poetry in the Spring, and that is as yet untitled. I’m pushing Maria and her husband Bill to do a book on their experiences with restoration, as they have done a number of amazing restorations on farmhouses and other historic buildings, and that is a huge part of their lives.
I had been working with Anthony Armstrong on an illustrated book about his experience with ADD – “Paying Attention,” that was originally planned for publication next month, but which has been postponed to next year.
Working with Maria and the Troy Bookmakers, Maria and I got excited about the possibilities of publishing books ourselves, and I am thrilled to make this a part of my photography. My new website,, will be up and running sometime next month.
Melissa Mykal Batalin of The Troy Book Makers suggested I do an imprint, since we already had several ideas we were kicking around. I’m grateful to her.
And why not? I’m tired of being pushed around by publishers. And I haven’t tried anything new and over-my-head for several weeks.
Now I can be a publisher, and hopefully, we will find and publish some unique, individualistic and interesting books that aren’t really right for commercial publishing.
I don’t really have a coherent editorial philosophy yet, which will come as no surprise to anyone. We are looking for works that express the personal creativity of individual people, those who might not choose to enter mainstream media. Classy, creative stuff is the idea.
This is exciting for me, as it will hopefull provide an outlet for my photo-taking as well as some writing. “Out of the Shadows” came out of my recent writings on this blog about life, growth, loss and spirituality – and yes, an unexpected bout with depression – and the photos I took to accompany these writings. The blog has become a big part of my life, and of my writing life, and I hope the first Bedlam Farm Book will reflect that. I’ll keep you posted.
We will try and get “Out of the Shadows” out early next year. We will not, under any circumstances, have receptions where wine or cheese is serviced. Or any receptions of any kind where anything is served.
Announcing Bedlam Farm Books
by Jon Katz