8 November

Art Harvest Moves to Georgi Museum This Weekend

by Jon Katz

  Mary Kellogg placing one of her poems next to one of my photos

November 8, 2007 – Cool, cloudy. The Art Harvest crew moves to the Georgi Museum in Shushan, N.Y., this weekend. I will show photos, Mary Kellogg her poetry, Maria Heinrich her fiber art, and Anthony Armstrong his concrete sculptures and pieces. There will be a reception for the four artists from 5 to 7:30 at the museum Friday, and I will give a talk at 2 p.m. Sunday, joined by poet Mary Kellogg, shown above hanging one of her poems, and by Anthony Armstrong. I will talk about the Art Harvest, my pictures and where they might be taking me, Izzy and the hospice work we are doing,  and I will bring a dog or two, Mary will read from her poetry, and Anthony will talk about his highly functionanal and striking concrete artworks. The show will be in two buildings on the museum grounds, and will be open to the public Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Come by if you can.

Below, Maria shows off her acrobatic skills working the lights. Shows are not as easy as they look. We hung pictures and poems and fiber work this morning. Anthony and his crew will be hauling heavy concrete pieces all afternoon.

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