26 August

Break time – Washington County Fair

by Jon Katz

   August 26, 2007 – Carny workers take a break on the last day of the Washington County Fair. I had a
blast taking pictures, and will not begin the turn back towards figuring out which book I’m working on and getting to work on it. I’m starting photo lessons Thursday with filmmaker John Yost, who is gifted. My friends at Trampoline Design, the people who designed the great logo of Bedlam Farm, have suggested tht I construct a photo website that connects to Bedlam Farm, but which can be used for all the pictures I am taking. I like the idea. Sometimes I know it’s hard to find things here, there are so many pictures.
I thik it will work.
  Virtually all of the major summer work on the farm  has been done, and all the hay is in, excepting one shipload from Danny Thomas. The shearer and farrier have come. We have some water issues to resolve, but the pole barn expansion is done, and so are repairs to the other barns and the driveway. Next week school starts up here, and autumn is definitely in the air. That means a lot of leaf tourists – “peepers” the locals call them – will start coming up here soon. My tractor is going into Salem Farm Supply for service, which is good, since the battery is dead. There is a beautiful nearly full moon out tonight, and I might go take the sheep out with Rose.

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