25 August

Farrier Cometh (Part One)

by Jon Katz

  August 24, 2007 – Brutally hot, humid. Animals are all in a sleepy daze. On a farm, some of the most important relationships are with people you see rarely, as with Ken Norman, farrier and friend. I couldn’t have these donkeys without someone like Ken, and his competence, affection for donkeys and horses, and dry sense of humor are all something I value. I’ve only been on the farm five years, and Ken has gotten me through innumerable donkey dramas, from lameness to abscesses to poor old Carol’s painful foundering. He is the best, and as good a human as he is a farrier. Every few months he shows up, this time with his wife Eli and new  daughter Monelike, and we laugh, trade stories and catch up. Oh yes, and hooves get trimmed. Jesus is a bit skittish, as is his role as the only male and the youngest, but Ken just scolds him and he goes along. The donkeys are always a bit cautious around Ken at first, but then relax, and he is gentle and authoritative, and they usually end up nuzzling with him. This time, they were enchanged by his baby girl, and submitted calmly and easily. Izzy also came along. A good farrier is a precious thing, and Ken is the best. It is always great to see him.


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