August 23, 2007 – Rainy, humid. Spend a sweet night in the hospice booth in the Public Health Section of the Washington County Fair. Hospice workers and volunteers are an especially dedicated lot, and fairgoers are not always eager to visit a hospice booth at a county fair, though many stopped by. Izzy and I had a great time hanging out with these dedicated people. I was surprised when Keith Mann and Alan Durham – members of a band called the Widgets performed an original and quite lovely string piece called “Izzy’s Song.” Izzy drank it up, then cuddled with a bunch of women for the rest of the evening, while the Widgets performed a range of folk, country and pop songs under threatening skies, a steady drizzle and a small but enchanted stream of music lovers. In the way of the country, I ran into the Saunders family of Rupert, who bring me firewood every year, but whom I had never met. They recognized Izzy, of course. A security guard came up to us to toss us out, then said, “Oh, it’s Izzy,” and waved us through. It was a draining day for Izzy. Radio show in Albany, then encounters with admirers. He is a love magnet.
I wonder if anybody will ever write a song for me. I doubt it. Izzy deserves one. He’s earned it.
It was a special evening for me, and there wasn’t any place I would rather have been. I much appreciated the people in this wonderful group, and their loving dedication. The was great. Below, Keith Mann, Hospice’s Volunteer Coordinator, Alan Durham, and below, Izzy appreciating a song written for him.
I’m enjoying the struggle to take good pictures. Pictures tell stories in so many ways.
Keith Mann performing
The Widgets in concert
Izzy’s song