July 29, 2007 – Hot, clear, warm. When Mother wants to be held or have her belly scratched, she does her “come hither” look, captured above, then resumes her murderous and cannabilistic maraudings against rodents, birds and small wildlife. I love and respect her.
I spent an hour up on the hill photographing Elvis, Luna and Harold with my new telephoto lens and was encouraged. I get good and clear shots, but can set up back a ways. Next, experimenting with different angles, if my back lets me. I am determined to spend the rest of the day resting, per instructions. New water system working well, everyone seems content. I brought some popcorn to the goats, carrots to the sheep, checked out the Pig Barn, and the foundation work on the Studio and Carriage Barns. Impressive. Robbin Slater does the best work.
Anthony and I got together this morning, as we usually do on Sunday mornings. I think we are going to form the Bedlam Farm Men’s Club for spiritual, brunch, support, arguments (and in the hope we may end up annoying somebody), to meet on Sunday mornings. We believe it is one of the first men’s groups to form in eastern Washington County in recent years, and we hope to set new standards for the pursuit of sensitivity, growth and awareness (as opposed to Anthony’s usual threats to run me over in his four-wheeler if I don’t stop bugging him about one thing or another). We will meet soon to plan a brunch and, perhaps, artistic pursuits. Stay tuned. Look for calmer, more spiritual men.