There are a lot of artists in and around my town of Cambridge, N.Y., including a number of respected and successful landscape painters. Matt Chinian is one of them, I met him recently and we connected. He rides round the county in his van, pulling over to paint beautiful landscapes of bridges, roads, hills and houses. His landscapes are very real and very powerful.
He lives with his wife Elaine and two daughters in the middle of town.
Every now and then, artists in town open up their studios to people who want to see their work and the studios where they create it. The tours are popular. Matt’s studio is the outdoors, he has focused on landscapes in recent years and has gotten a lot of attention for his work, which you can see here.
He is prolific, he does his landscapes in a few hours.
Matt’s work is exciting, and he is experiencing a powerful kind of rebirth through his landscapes. I felt yesterday that he loves o paint the same scenes I love to photograph. He loves telephone lines, as I do. We’re going together this week, I’m eager to hear more about his passionate kind of creativity.