I see life as a changing landscape, and my role is to step back and see it and understand the changes, and accept them, good or bad. This teaches me to be authentic, to keep my perspective and balance, to stay focused. Today, the pasture was warm and swarming with flies and bugs. Chloe came in for the first time to herd with us, she was a gracious and easy companion, I am coming to love this pony, she has great spirit and affection within her. She has a lot of personality.
Maria came in to brush her, hood up from the flies, and I had this moment of impulsion. The landscape had changed again. Tomorrow, another change, people will begin arriving for the Open House on Saturday and Sunday (11 to 4). I am reminded that we have the Open Houses in part to share our changing landscape, to understand it and to see it. I loved the landscape this morning, it touched me and reminded me what it means to be alive.