The Hubbard Hall Writers did a public reading tonight from their amazing work on their blogs and in their writing, photos, animations and art work. We had a full house in stifling heat and the writers and audience bravely sweltered through the night. I had a wonderful feeling to it, these gifted people who have been so creative and so supportive of one another, people came from as far away as Buffalo and the Midwest. John Greenwood, Diane Fiore, Dr. Jen. Baker-Porazinski, Rebecca Fedler, Kim Gifford and Rachel Barlow were funny, touching, uplifting and honest. What a privilege it is for me to work with these brave and gifted people. They were all nervous about appearing in public before the readings, but they didn’t seem nervous tonight.
The workshop was supposed to last four weeks, but is heading for two years and will probably go another ten more. In the Fall, I’m teaching a four part course on separate Saturday mornings at Hubbard Hall called “The Art Of The Blog.” There was a great feeling in the room tonight, how wonderful to hear their great work and see it celebrated. Red was stellar as usual, except for his fascination with the Irish step-dancing class. He is from County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.