Meg the hen is reminding me of the curious nature of chickens, one of the animal world’s most amazing creatures.
Chickens, to me, are intriguing.
They appear to always have something to say, but never do.
They are seem to be intensely curious, but are not.
They appear remarkably intelligent, but areĀ not.
They move in remarkable synchronicity with one another, like puppets on a strings, each movement of one affecting the movement of all in an oddly rational disconnected way.
Some chickens, like some dogs and cows have learned the great secret of the animal world – look people in the eye and they will love and protect you and write all sorts of wondrous scripts about what you are thinking and feeling. Mostly, you are thinking about food, but they will not care. Meg has learned this.
Chickens are ec0-friendly. You may not need a compost heap with chickens around.
Chickens give back. They lay eggs.
Roosters are hilariously pompous, official, self-important. And loud.
Chickens are energetic. They work and work and work, get nowhere much and are easily excited.
Chickens are dumb. But harmlessly so.