10 August

Frieda In The Yard. The power of training

by Jon Katz
Frieda In The Yard

There was a time not too long ago when having Frieda in the yard would have been unimaginable. Now she sits with the other dogs every morning and takes the sun. Frieda challenged, focused and changed many of my ideas about training dogs. My idea of it as a spiritual experience, not an exercise in obedience. As the way in which we talk to our dogs. As an exercise in mental focus, self-awareness (yes it is about us, not them, always) and patience. Positive training laced with reality and with the understanding that training is a very individual experience, very personal.

Many people in the animal world believe there is only one way to do things – their way – but I think there are countless ways to do things, and Frieda is an example of it. A particular dog in a particular place with very particular people, whose emotions are very much caught up in her training and evolution There is no guru-book for that. To train a dog, we have to look within, at ourselves, our own needs, lives and feelings. Tough stuff. Good stuff.

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