3 August

When Hell Breaks Loose

by Jon Katz
When Hell Breaks Loose

I had just posted this little idyll about peace in the morning, settling to work when I heard this awful din – the sound of panicked sheep crying for help. Rose just about went through the window and we all went tearing out – a neighbor walking her dog came running at the sound. The sheep were in a panic, running in circles and Rose and Maria went one way and I went the other. Coyotes, I think, approaching the sheep – we’ve seen a lot of coyote scat recently – and we opened the gate and after some mayhem got the sheep into the back pasture with the donkeys, who areĀ  guard animals.

Much setting in and racing around but things are quieting down. Two hours later, covered in mud and manure, we got in for breakfast. Maybe back to work now. I’m shutting down the meadow pasture for the summer, too vulnerable out there and I have enough grass for the sheep in the main pastures. So much for my notions of a plan for the morning. I love this about a farm actually. It has its own plans, always. And it reminds us that we are not in charge. so roll with it.

Below, Rose marches the sheep into their new quarters. They were happy to see her, for once.

New Quarters

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