15 June

Open Up, Open Up

by Jon Katz
Open Up, Open Up

To open up, I think

You have to challenge fear

And drop the stories of struggle, lament and victimhood

And get good help

And permit yourself to believe

in your own dreams,

and not anyone else’s,

and not let anyone else tell you

what you dream ought to be.

And to open up, I think,

you need to puff yourself up,

be brave, and thumb your nose

at the big machine that tells you

what to fear,

and what’s wrong with you

and how scary snow is,

and how many tests you absolutely

need to save your life.

And find love,

no matter what else you do,

wherever you can get it.

Spring is the season

for opening up.

Open up. Be a shining light unto the world.

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