19 April

Video: Lenore In The Spotlight: Book Tour

by Jon Katz
"Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm:" Book Tour

Anybody who squawks about younger people today being less motivated, driven or gifted than their predecessors hasn’t met Dave Bigler, Terry Leahy and the gang from Modern Mixed Media. They came to the farm today – nine hours worth – to put Lenore and the dogs and other animals of the farm in the spotlight, preparing videos for publicity and the book tour for “Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm,” out April 26.

The animals, trained media specialists, handled themselves beautifully, even Frieda. They were strikingly prepared, focused, creative and organized. I am so excited to be working with them. Lenore showed off her love skills, kissing donkeys, cats, dogs and people. The donkeys hammed for the camera, and even the elusive barn cats turned out to preen.

I believe older people can move forward with new technology, but they often – me, for sure – need younger people to help show them the way. If they are open, the rewards are great. It was a special day.

Lenore got most of the attention, as she is the central character in “Meet The Dogs…” my first children’s book. Biger is putting together a modern technology/media/marketing company called Modern Mixed Media. Bigler gets it. It was a pleasure to work with such gifted, focused and professional people. We had fun too. I couldn’t resist taking a quick video of the videographers. Not polished, Terry, like you are teaching me to do, but I had fun. I loved the ending, where the donkeys try and sneak into the barn. A fitting ending.

Terry Leahy, shown in the video, is my video teacher. He taught me how to move around and frame my shots, and after the book tour, we are resuming lessons. He’s a great teacher and I am very eager to move forward with my moving images. This crew sees the future, and can help me stay with it. I amĀ  very grateful to know them. I am on fire to make good videos.

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