5 April

Moments of Bliss. Go Mandy

by Jon Katz
Moments of Bliss

A few years ago, someone hired a massage therapist for me on a book tour as a surprise. My back was hurting. I heard a knock on the door and a woman told me she had come to give me a massage. I told her to go away or I would have to call security. The idea of taking my clothes off in front of a strange woman was terrifying.

A few months ago, my back was hurting and Maria encouraged me to get a massage and I went to see Mandy Meyer-Hill, a therapist in Cambridge, N.Y. My ideas about health and heath care were already beginning to change, but Mandy has caused them to change even more. She has put up a Facebook page to advance a long ambition of hers, writing and sharing and photographing what she calls “Moments Of Bliss” to help people feel better. This is the kind of news we need.

Surely, I would have thought this idea loopy at one time, but I see it is an urgently needed thing. I am very proud to see Mandy overcome some techno-anxiety and hit the world of social media. I know it will work for her, and that her Moments Of Bliss will be shared and appreciated.  By the way, my back hasn’t hurt since I first went to see her and I don’t think a thing of lying naked on somebody else’s table. I love my health care now.

I appreciate Mandy, and her great sense of healing, her empathy, her courage and directness. She is also a photographer, and we are both technology hounds lusting after every new thing. She is a moment of bliss. Check her out.

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