13 January

Intruder. Something’s in the Pig Barn

by Jon Katz
Something's in the Pig Barn

On the way to feed the donkeys, Maria saw these tracks leading into the Pig Barn, and a piece of clapboard pried off. Something is in there. So here are the rules of Bedlam Farm. If it is rabid, I will have to shoot it, that is if it gets too close, has rheumy eyes or is unsteady. Could attack the dogs, the donkeys, the barn cats, or us. If it is healthy, and just dozing in there, then the door gets left open and he or she can leave in its good time. You never see most wild animals in the daytime. If you do, something is usually wrong. By the fresh tracks, this one just got here a few hours ago as it was snowing until midnight. Up here, there is nobody to call. You have to do it yourself.

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