15 December

Serena’s Gourd

by Jon Katz
Serena's Gourd

Serena Kovalosky is a friend, an artist, and a cultural columnist. She’s a fellow traveler in the creative world, and has a great blog of her own, which she publishes from the highly atmospheric town of Whitehall, N.Y. (birthplace, oddly, of the U.S. Navy.) Serena makes beautiful art of our gourds, and she gave us this one above, which graces one of the fireplace mantels. The morning sun caught it this morning, along with a green bottle behind it, and I thought it captured the beauty of this very unique art form and this lovely person.

Serena sells and exhibits her gourds, and also runs around the world exploring the lives of cultural creatives. I loved seeing the gourd in the morning light.

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