6 December

Letting Go

by Jon Katz
Letting go. Walking with Frieda

My relationship with Frieda continues to evolve. Yesterday I took her for a long walk up the hill with me. She is like a bodyguard, in a way, walking alongside of me, head swaying back and forth, growling and rumbling at trucks and the sounds of other dogs, scanning the forest for something to hunt. I feel safe around Frieda, as if she is watching out for me, guiding me, and perhaps she is. She is a working dog, for sure, and the more purpose she has, the more settled she is.

I am working hard on the notion of letting things go. I don’t read the news anymore. I don’t watch TV much anymore, I don’t take on other people’s troubles much anymore. I allow the people I love to lead their own lives, make their own decisions, solve their own problems. A great weight is taken off of me. I am learning what I can’t solve and what I can solve. And for me, also. Let me have my own problems. Let me solve them. It is good to feel competent, stronger, sure. And to let go.

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