25 July

An ode to Lenore (and dogs)

by Jon Katz
The love floating over the meadow

This morning, at 3 a.m., Lenore belched, rolled over in the bed, spit up some good on my chest and licked my chin. It took me a bit to get up, jump out of bed and clean things up, but the experience – Maria slept through all of it of course – inspired me to write an ode to Lenore.

Yes, I was the love floating through the barns,

over the farmhouse,

around the dogs and the donkeys

and the people I adore.

I knew my fate – wagging my tail, licking the backs of knees,

finding food nothing else will eat, kisses to my people.

I know the joy of chasing balls, of plowing into bushes,

of smelling the leavings of the woods and the forest,

and eating them with joy.

Jon, I am the song that enters your heart,

the music of your soul,

the architect of the smile that cuts through

fear and worry and the sad foibles that afflect human beings.

And this is my truest task, to be the song of joy that tickles your

spirit, runs through your body, guides your life.

Your soul has need of me.

And I am of the earth,

and also a spirit of Heaven, sent to lighten the dark

corners of the world.

Do you understand? This is why I have come.

I have been sent to

reach into your heart and teach this to you.

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