13 July

Ken Norman. The symmetry of life. Living it.

by Jon Katz
The Farrier returns. Symmetry of life
The Farrier returns. Symmetry of life

There is a grace, a symmetry to the farrier’s work. Ken Norman is a big man, but moves in sync with the animals he is working with and they calm around him and accept them. His life is not easy. He has been injured banged around, being treated poorly by people. But he loves what he does, has a wonderful family, and he lives his life. Admirable on many lives. People tend to romanticize work like his, as they do life on a farm,  but Ken has worked hard for his life, earns it every single day. It is odd, but I always think we are much alike when I meet Ken. Different in so many ways, yet each of us determined to do what we love, and live somewhat out the boundaries of other’s expectations and conventions. I asked him how back holds up, and he just shrugged.

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