11 July

Along for the ride

by Jon Katz
Pecking order
Pecking order

Leaving fear and other disorders behind means – literally – changing the way you think, the way your mind words. Fear is a way of the brain seeking to keep us safe, but scanning for dangers that are real, or that we think are real. I suspect this was necessary when we were being set upon by wolves and dinosaurs. Today, fear seems less useful than destructive, and not very effective. We are on the earth for a short time, and while we can’t be joyous all the time – nobody’s life works like that or even ought to – we can appreciate our time and make the best possible use out of it. Finding work we love. People to love and support us. To reconnect with the natural world, and tell our own stories.

Changing the way you think is not simple, not after decades of letting fear shield one from the realities of life. Fear doesn’t work. It doesn’t keep us safe. It doesn’t resolve problems. It just makes us frightened.

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