24 May

Morning, from mom and kid

by Jon Katz
Prudence and Bartleby
Prudence and Bartleby

Time to decide whether Bartleby and mom go out with the other sheep or not yet. It’s rough out there, hilly and deep grass and Rose is working with the sheep. Might be wise to give them another few days in the barn, but I’m leaving it up to Maria who has a good sense of these things. I think they need another day or two in the barn.

Going to work on a short story today, then go for a routine doctor’s visit, then take Lenore and Frieda to the vet, then do some wedding planning. My daughter Emma is best man and she is offering to bring wine from NYC and come up and help out. Slept well last night, better than in a long time. Small steps. Life is rich when you can share it with someone. It can be rich without that too, but it has filled my cup.

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