10 April

Book Festival

by Jon Katz
Dog Days: First Empire State Book Festival
Dog Days: First Empire State Book Festival

Authors Julia Klam and Alexandra Horowitz on the dog/books panel.

April 10, 2010 – Went to the First Empire State Book Festival held in the Civic Center of the New York State office complex (The Egg). Kind of a gloomy place, but we got a great crowd and had a great time. Izzy was banned (for the first time) but I didn’t mind that, it actually makes life easier sometimes.

The discussions covered dog rescue, explorations of the canine mind, and discussions about why dog and animal books are being so popular. My own view is that as people become more stressed, disconnected, techno and money driven and unhappy in their work and life choices, they are turning more and more to animals for unconditional love and uplifting connection.

The Book Festival seemed a hit to me, and congratulations to the New York State Library Association. Talked to a lot of librarians who are seeing their hours and jobs cut.  I doubt that soccer programs are getting cut. And we’ve sure taken care of the banks. Anyway, a neat experience.

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