12 March

Decision time

by Jon Katz
Dogs of Bedlam Farm
Dogs of Bedlam Farm

It is cloudy and cool at the farm and I am still looking for the right cover shot for my first children’s book “Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm,” out next Spring. I like this one. So this week Maria and I will do some serious thinking about the farm.

I know it seems like an easy decision to many people viewing it from afar – why not stay there? It’s a beautiful and productive place? But it isn’t, in fact, all that easy. It involves a way of leaving, a new start, different memories, money and other things.

Still, the messages make a lot of sense. We are both productive and creative here, and there is a “we” know, not just a “me,” which is good all around. I will not diddle too much longer. I will share the decision as much as is appropriate, as I have shared my life here. We will decide by the end of next whether to stay or go, and if we stay, we will bring some animals back to the farm. I will keep you posted. I appreciate the input.

I want to be careful. It isn’t just about me, and also, I have made some bad decisions in my recent life. Some good ones too. I want this to be a good one. I appreciate your thoughts, truly. Hang in there.

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