15 January

Missing the winter pasture

by Jon Katz
Open gate, Bunker Hill Road
Open gate, Bunker Hill Road

Had a great dinner in Glens Falls with friends from LARAC (Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Center). Time literally flies when you are with people you feel comfortable with. I can see myself living in Glens Falls one day, and so can Maria. It would need to be a big yard with four dogs, though.

And I would miss the winter pasture, an evocative and beautiful place. I love the homemade fences, strands of wire, beat-up old gates. Soon enough, cows will be passing through those gates two or three times a day on the way to the milking barn. The rythyms of Spring and Summer are evoked by the winter pasture.

Sunday, leaving for Orlando, where I will speak at the North American Veterinary Conference. The speech is open only to registrants of NAVC. I’m looking forward to it. It will be nice to be warm, although I miss the winter pasture, and its sense of expectancy.

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