Rose’s “House” in the Adirondacks.
October 28, 2009 – Cold, rainy, gloomy. Spent the day driving through the Adirondack Park, looking for sites for my next novel, “Rose Running,” which is mostly set in a poor, remote Adirondack town, of which there are many. The story calls for Rose to find an abandoned home in the Adirondacks, and hide out there, seeking what shelter she can from predators and hostile elements.
I’m going back up this weekend, to look for more spots to set the story. I hope to rent a house for a month or so in December/January, when much of the Adirondacks are abandoned and snowbound. I found some towns that are deliciously eerie, heavily forested and largely void of people. It’s a great setting for a book. Going to watch the Yankees thump the Phillies.
For those who asked, my recipe for Turkey Glop, which I made tonight for Maria and I: ground turkey, simmered in a pan with ketchup and various spices (my secret) and chopped onions, red peppers, a bit garlic, cooked for 20 or more minutes on medium heat. This is a great winter meal – warm, healthy, filling. I also cooked up some hominy beans, which were tasty. And some grapes. And tea.