12 October

In a cemetery, with Izzy

by Jon Katz

  October 12, 2009 – Finished this (maybe final) draft of my novel, “Rose In A Storm.” Grabbed my camera and some lens (destroyed two lenses in recent days, my favorite, a 16-35mm and my 100 mm macro – both are insured fortunately) and went to the town cemetery. I go there often with Izzy and bring flowers from the farm garden to put on the graves.
 Izzy is a wonderful dog and I love him. I took him to Gardenworks to shop and he came in with me and greeted people buying food and pumpkins. I brought him to the cemetery and, fitting himself into my life as always, he found a quiet spot and kept me company while I crawled around taking photos. Izzy is a Soul Dog. He helps me live my life, as all my dogs do.
 I love going to the old town cemetery. I talk to the tombstones, wonder about them, sit and think. It is not depressing, and I don’t go in that spirit. It is a place to appreciate love and life. Izzy is a wonderful companion.

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