19 May

Children’s Book Deal

by Jon Katz

  I’m happy to share some great news. I’ve just agreed to a book deal with Holt to write a series of children’s books based on the dogs and other animals of Bedlam Farm. I’m psyched, as it will give me a chance to showcase some of the photography as well as the wondrous range of animal experiences I’ve had here. I will also continue to write adult books for Random House. “Soul Of A Dog” is coming out in August, and I’m working on my novel, scheduled for next Spring.
  The farm is a gift that keeps on giving. I’m convinced Lenore’s puss had much to do with this new contract. The people at Holt are enthusiastic and creative, and I am very excited to branch out in this way, and to use my photos to reach children. I’ll be doing a picture book and two chapter books. I’m celebrating tonight at a restaurant in Glens Falls, N.Y.  Glad my daughter Emma was here to share the news with me (she’s going back to Brooklyn to finish her book on baseball, “Ninety Percent of the Game Is Half Mental,” due out next year). I’m proud of Emma, and glad Maria is paying for dinner.

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