5 March

My Eaily Egg

by Jon Katz

   March 5, 2009 – One of the perks of living on my farm is what I call the Daily Egg. I get two or three eggs a day and only eat one – it tastes wonderful and feels nourishing. I cook it for a couple of minutes, and then usually drain the yolk out and eat the white. Protein, or so it feels. Every afternoon, when I go into the barn for the afternoon chores, I usually find one or two eggs. The hens wander around and sometimes there are a dozen smelly eggs in some strange place.  I used to put it in my pocket, but I would forget it or it would break sometimes – a mess. So now I put it on this tree stump and pick it up when I’m done.
  Today there was one egg in the roosting box. If I did not live on a farm, I would miss my daily egg.

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