Frieda, on the path
LIke many people, I need to get away. Tough winter. Today it was not freezing, which was amazing. I took Frieda the Junkyard Dog out into the woods and she chased sticks and sniffed around. I thought about how tired I am, how I need to change my own narrative for a few days, not watch dogs, listen to hysterical newscasts, or plod through mountains of snow and ice. I will miss blogging, it is embedded into the rythyms of my creative spheres: writing and photos. The dogs will be fine, and the house in good hands.
Tomorrow I’m going to Saratoga to get two books to take on vacation. I am not taking camera or computer. I have a lot of plans for this year, hope to get refreshed, or rebooted. Life is good, but sometimes you need a break from it.