The Hound of Love warming her butt in the garden
October 18, 2008 – Perhaps the biggest surprise of the book tour is the response to this blog. I am surprised by it. In other cities, everyone is disappointed if Izzy isn’t around (I don’t fly him) and have to put up with me. Many people report a sense of encouragement from this blog, which is very nice. Others say they think I have the perfect life (I smile and groan a bit inwardly) and of course, I don’t really get why the blog resonates with people, but I do get that it does. Rose is my most admired dog, I think, especially among working women. Elvis is very popular, and so are the goats. It is interesting to see what an impact the photos have made on people reading the site. I ask people on the tour if they think that their dogs have souls, and I have yet to meet anybody who doesn’t.