4 October


by Jon Katz

Mother in the Carriage Barn

  October 4, 2008 – Cool, sunny. I’m heading to Nebraska and the Midwest this week, and I was scrambling around to bring my camera and laptop so I could blog from the book tour, but today, wiser heads prevailed. I’m going to cool down, and give the writing and photography a rest, and focus on a tour that is looking very busy. Hauling the laptop and camera around would be fun, but would wear me out – especially given airports and all the travel – and make me a little crazy, even more so than I already am.
  I think I need to give both a rest, creatively and so I can concentrate on the tour.
 I’m going to pop up a few photos perhaps tomorrow, and then shut down Bedlamfarm.com for five or six days. Sometimes you just need to cool down, and I’ll bring some books instead. The farm is in good, round-the-clock hands. It will be odd touring with dogs, but then again, it will be easy, even restful.

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