I said at one of my readings that being a memoirist was strange, in that as I kept learning things about my self, I realized that not everything I have written is true. This isn’t because I was lying, but because I am coming to understand myself more each year, and each book. I sometimes fear that I will run out of time before I get to really know who I am.
Still, I am lucky to get to know at all. When you write, blog and take photos, it’s difficult to be other than honest, because people sometimes know you as well or better than you know yourself. I try and be honest, and try to be open, but that is a challenge. Privacy is a constant struggle, one I certainly have opened myself up to, and it’s my problem. On a book tour, it comes sharply into focus.
Sometimes, I said the other night, I think I need to write a memoir offering all of the things I now know was quite right in the other memoirs. But a friend reminded me that all you can be is true yourself at the moment. As you learn and grow, you share what you can.
As my writing life and photography evolve, my life is getting more, not less complex and after this book tour I am going to consider modest steps to simplify it. I don’t expect to race around quite as much as I did last year, but I didn’t expect to do that much last year either. Every year brings new challenges, surprises, new realities. All I can do is be prepared, be open, try and be honest.
Being honest
by Jon Katz