22 September


by Jon Katz

I wish Rose could come on the book tour to keep things organized

September 22, 2008 – Gathering myself for the book tour, which starts tomorrow, the pub date for “Izzy & Lenore, Two Dogs, An Unexpected Journey, and Me.” Tuesday is a day of interviews, and a trip to Albany to appear with my good friend Joe Donahue on WAMC which is in a fund-raising rive Can’t kick off a book any more comfortable than with Joe, who has co-hosted “Dog Talk” with me for several years. Interviews start early in the morning.
 Yesterday, I went to Vermont, and spend the day taking some photos, walking around, trying to focus on the book and on hospice, which I will be talking about around the country.
 Izzy got groomed yesterday and is now gorgeous and sweet-smelling. Lenore, on the other hand, had an explosive burts of diarrhea to greet me with when I returned home. Life with dogs.
  I am excited about the book tour and, of course, dreading it a bit, but the dogs and farm are in good hands, and I’m ready to go.

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