1 August

Can I come?

by Jon Katz

14 mm, f/8, 1/250, ISO 125

  This photo was a step in composition for me, a slightly different way to compose a photograph, thanks to the things I’m reading and hearing about intervals and design.
It’s an appealing photo in itself, as it shows Lenore wanting to come with me, and waiting. But what is most interesting to me is that I noticed the intervals and elements and was drawn to them more than the dog. The white fence post, the wire, plus the dog, caught my eye, suggested a new way to take a photo, and then the challenge was catching a glimpse of Lenore’s eyes, very necessary to make this photograph work.
  This is where Aperture came in, and by adjusting the levels and contrast – at first, black eyes, in the bright sunlight, were completely invisible – I brought them out without much affecting the rest of the photo. This is a special shot, I think and it takes work more than talent, and some thought, when there’s time.
  The work involves learning how to use Aperture moderately, but to affect, learning about lenses, paying attention to the sun, and being patient. Plus thinking differently about composition, rather than simply hitting the shutter.  I value hard work, in photography as well as anything else. I believe it pays off and is innately more important than talent. I appreciate being willful.

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