7 June

Hanging the show, Gardenworks

by Jon Katz

June 7, 2008 – Maria and I hung the Hospice Journal: Stories, Pictures From the Edge of Life exhibit at Gardenworks this morning. It is warm, but not too uncomfortable and there is a nice breeze wafting through the big barn. I’m too close to the experience to see the photos clearly, but people have  had a powerful reaction to them. This afternoon, we kick off publication of Mary Kellogg’s book “My Place On Earth” at the Battenkill Books in Cambridge. Tomorrow, the Hospice Journal show begins at 2 p.m. (518 854 3250). Maria has hung three of her quilts, which are for sale, including the “Mother Quilt,” a piece shown below inspired by Mother, the Bedlam Farm barn cat, and including the text of the Pablo Neruda poem, “Ode To A Cat,” which Maria reads to Mother in the winter.

Mother Quilt, by Maria Heinrich, one of three hanging in Gardenworks, and for sale ([email protected])

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