28 April

Cover Girl

by Jon Katz

April 28, 2008 – The cover of “Izzy and Lenore, Two Dogs, an Unexpected Journey, and Me,” went up on Amazon today, I am told. This is the first book where I have the cover photo as well as photos inside and the content. I’m excited about that. Check it out if you have time. The book is about Izzy and our Hospice, the impact of Lenore on my life last year, and as a minor subplot, my descent into the shadows and emergence.
  Many of you have been following me on this passage (I have sworn never to use the word “journey” in my writing, as it is being beaten to death everywhere) and have been supporting, encouraging and following me on this blog as I ranted, mused and struggled.
  All I can say is I love you for it, and thank you. It is always quite wonderful to be reminded of how many wonderful people are running around out there, rooting for a total stranger. And his dogs, of course.
  The Hound of Love deserves a cover. She is the light.

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