April 20, 2008 – Among her many duties, Rose is a stellar Crossing Guard. Her job is to keep the sheep off the road, and move them across to the meadow, making sure they stay together, and don’t run into traffic. My road is, sadly, dangerous and many people come flying down the hill at speeds that are way too fast for livestock movement. Rose has been grazed twice by cars, usually driven by out-of-towners, who do not grasp that a “Sheep Crossing” sign means. Any farmer on a road has had this same experience. They see the sheep, but sometimes will not even slow.
So we keep a careful watch and ear for traffic and Rose keeps the sheep moving, and if they head for the road, she cuts them off and holds them back, as above, or pushes them away. I don’t believe I ever trained her to do this, just one of the things she seems to know.
Last night, she jumped up on the bed and whined, an alarm from her and and I went outside and found that the clever donkeys had gotten themselves into the barn and were having at the chicken feed. How Rose knew this, I will never know.
Rose, Crossing Guard
by Jon Katz