26 March

Poemlet (1): Sunrise Chronicles

by Jon Katz

March 25, 2008 – Sunrises are relatively new to me, I didn’t see many for most of my life. Now I get up early each day to see each one. What surprises me is that even though the sun comes up in the same place each day, each sunrise is very different, each is unique, has a unique signature. Each tells a different story, and I imagine each one is advising me on the nature of the day. They all seem to know something.Some, in the winter, are cold and brittle.
  This one, this morning, suggests a quiet, meaningful day. Some explode out of the sky, slither over the mountains. Others send grandiose rays shooting down, announcing itself with pomp and drama. Some peek, and others intrude, even whisper.

— Going to Granville High this morning to work on our stories for “Tales of Granville High.” Then lunch with Steve McLean, the Hound of Heaven. Then, visit to Helen and Warren. Shearing this week.

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