March 19, 2008 – Lenore the Love Dog went to Granville High School with me today to teach a writing class. The little hussy spent half the time on her belly getting scratched and then listening attentively to everybody’s stories. My main goal was to keep her out of the cafeteria, where there were 200 kids, all with food. That would not have been pretty. But Lenore sat quietly for nearly two hours, and continues to evolve as a calm, grounded, hang-around dog. She spent the morning in Granville High School, part of the afternoon while I was working, did a Hospice visit, and then went to the County Office Building with Izzy for our weekly morale boost to the healthcare workers there. She did try to go home with one of the nurses, who had a box of biscuits, but otherwise was stellar. She is the Light.
The Love Dog goes to school
by Jon Katz